sandy.njoy module
- sandy.njoy.get_njoy()
Extract njoy executable from system environment variable NJOY.
- Returns:
- string
njoy executable
- sandy.njoy.process_neutron(endftape, temperatures, pendftape=None, suffixes=None, zaid='nndc', route='0', exe=None, verbose=True, dryrun=False, **kwargs)
Run sequence to process file with njoy.
- Parameters:
- pendftapestr, optional, default is None
name (with absolute of relative path) of a pendf file. If given, skip module reconr and use this PENDF file, else run reconr
- temperaturesiterable of float, optional, default is [293.6]
iterable of temperature values in K
- dryrunbool, optional, default is False
option to produce the njoy input file without running njoy
- exestr, optional, default is None
njoy executable (with path) .. note:: if no executable is given, SANDY looks for a default
executable in PATH and in env variable NJOY
- routestr, optional, default is 0
xsdir “route” parameter
- suffixesiterable of int, optional, default is None
iterable of suffix values for ACE files: if None is given, use internal routine to determine suffixes
suffixes must match the number of entries in temperatures
- verbosebool, optional, default is False
flag to print NJOY input to screen before running the executable
- Returns:
- outputsmap
map of {tape : text) for ouptut files
- sandy.njoy.process_proton(endftape, wdir='', dryrun=False, tag='', exe=None, route='0', **kwargs)
Run sequence to process proton file with njoy.
- Parameters:
- wdirstr
working directory (absolute or relative) where all output files are saved .. note:
wdir will appear as part of the filename in any xsdir file
- dryrunbool
option to produce the njoy input file without running njoy
- tagstr
tag to append to each output filename beofre the extension (default is None) .. hint:
to process JEFF-3.3 files you could set tag = “_j33”
- exestr
njoy executable (with path) .. note:
If no executable is given, SANDY looks for a default executable in PATH
- routestr
xsdir “route” parameter (default is “0”)
- Returns:
- inputstr
njoy input text
- inputsmap
map of {tape : file) for input files
- outputsmap
map of {tape : file) for ouptut files