sandy.sections.mf10 module

This module contains only two public functions:

  • read_mf10

  • write_mf10

Function read reads a MF10/MT section from a string and produces a content object with a dictionary-like structure. The content object can be accessed using most of the keywords specified in the ENDF6 manual for this specific MF section.

Function write_mf10 writes a content object for a MF10/MT section into a string. MAT, MF, MT and line numbers are also added (each line ends with a ` `).

sandy.sections.mf10.read_mf10(tape, mat, mt)

Parse MAT/MF=10/MT section from sandy.Endf6 object and return structured content in nested dictionary.


endf6 object containing requested section.


MAT number.


MT number.


Content of the ENDF-6 tape structured as nested dict.


>>> import pprint
>>> tape = sandy.get_endf6_file("jeff_33", 'xs', 410930)
>>> test = read_mf10(tape, 4125, 16)
>>> test['AWR'] = round (test['AWR'],5)
>>> pprint.pprint(test, width=1)
{'AWR': 92.10827,
 'LFS': {0: {'E': array([8.92643e+06, 9.00000e+06, 9.50000e+06, 1.00000e+07, 1.05000e+07,
       1.10000e+07, 1.15000e+07, 1.20000e+07, 1.25000e+07, 1.30000e+07,
       1.35000e+07, 1.40000e+07, 1.45000e+07, 1.50000e+07, 1.60000e+07,
       1.70000e+07, 1.80000e+07, 1.90000e+07, 2.00000e+07, 2.10000e+07,
       2.20000e+07, 2.30000e+07, 2.40000e+07, 2.50000e+07, 2.60000e+07,
       2.70000e+07, 2.80000e+07, 2.90000e+07, 3.00000e+07, 3.00000e+07,
             'INT': [2],
             'IZAP': 41092,
             'NBT': [31],
             'QI': -8830560.0,
             'QM': -8830560.0,
             'XS': array([0.       , 0.0194186, 0.162104 , 0.308902 , 0.435116 , 0.517474 ,
       0.573998 , 0.624693 , 0.659328 , 0.6818   , 0.698818 , 0.717961 ,
       0.7367761, 0.750743 , 0.7747931, 0.7894241, 0.7807111, 0.7326431,
       0.657407 , 0.5754551, 0.494091 , 0.430171 , 0.386188 , 0.348402 ,
       0.322404 , 0.299157 , 0.282034 , 0.264006 , 0.253063 , 0.       ,
       0.       ])},
         1: {'E': array([9.0634e+06, 9.5000e+06, 1.0000e+07, 1.0500e+07, 1.1000e+07,
       1.1500e+07, 1.2000e+07, 1.2500e+07, 1.3000e+07, 1.3500e+07,
       1.4000e+07, 1.4500e+07, 1.5000e+07, 1.6000e+07, 1.7000e+07,
       1.8000e+07, 1.9000e+07, 2.0000e+07, 2.1000e+07, 2.2000e+07,
       2.3000e+07, 2.4000e+07, 2.5000e+07, 2.6000e+07, 2.7000e+07,
       2.8000e+07, 2.9000e+07, 3.0000e+07, 3.0000e+07, 2.0000e+08]),
             'INT': [2],
             'IZAP': 41092,
             'NBT': [30],
             'QI': -8966060.0,
             'QM': -8830560.0,
             'XS': array([0.       , 0.0312977, 0.127211 , 0.213139 , 0.285268 , 0.344366 ,
       0.389636 , 0.421435 , 0.441539 , 0.452998 , 0.459128 , 0.46013  ,
       0.4603   , 0.45204  , 0.445074 , 0.420786 , 0.372079 , 0.323721 ,
       0.272363 , 0.232887 , 0.206726 , 0.186974 , 0.17223  , 0.160468 ,
       0.150715 , 0.142191 , 0.135368 , 0.129116 , 0.       , 0.       ])}},
 'LIS': 0,
 'MAT': 4125,
 'MF': 10,
 'MT': 16,
 'ZA': 41093.0}

Given the content of a MF10 section as nested dictionaries, write it to string.


Content of the ENDF-6 tape structured as nested dict.


Multiline string reproducing the content of a ENDF-6 section.



The end-of-line records MAT, MF, MT and line number are added at the end of each line.


The string does not end with a newline symbol.


String reproducing the content of a ENDF-6 section for (n,2n) of Nb-93 from the JEFF-33 library to obtain the cross sections for production of radiactive nuclides >>> tape = sandy.get_endf6_file(“jeff_33”, ‘xs’, 410930) >>> sec = read_mf10(tape, 4125, 16) >>> text = write_mf10(sec) >>> print(text)

41093.0000 92.1082700 0 0 2 0412510 16 1

-8830560.00-8830560.00 41092 0 1 31412510 16 2

31 2 412510 16 3

8926430.00 0.00000000 9000000.00 1.941860-2 9500000.00 1.621040-1412510 16 4 10000000.0 3.089020-1 10500000.0 4.351160-1 11000000.0 5.174740-1412510 16 5 11500000.0 5.739980-1 12000000.0 6.246930-1 12500000.0 6.593280-1412510 16 6 13000000.0 6.818000-1 13500000.0 6.988180-1 14000000.0 7.179610-1412510 16 7 14500000.0 7.367761-1 15000000.0 7.507430-1 16000000.0 7.747931-1412510 16 8 17000000.0 7.894241-1 18000000.0 7.807111-1 19000000.0 7.326431-1412510 16 9 20000000.0 6.574070-1 21000000.0 5.754551-1 22000000.0 4.940910-1412510 16 10 23000000.0 4.301710-1 24000000.0 3.861880-1 25000000.0 3.484020-1412510 16 11 26000000.0 3.224040-1 27000000.0 2.991570-1 28000000.0 2.820340-1412510 16 12 29000000.0 2.640060-1 30000000.0 2.530630-1 30000000.0 0.00000000412510 16 13

200000000 0.00000000 412510 16 14

-8830560.00-8966060.00 41092 1 1 30412510 16 15

30 2 412510 16 16

9063400.00 0.00000000 9500000.00 3.129770-2 10000000.0 1.272110-1412510 16 17 10500000.0 2.131390-1 11000000.0 2.852680-1 11500000.0 3.443660-1412510 16 18 12000000.0 3.896360-1 12500000.0 4.214350-1 13000000.0 4.415390-1412510 16 19 13500000.0 4.529980-1 14000000.0 4.591280-1 14500000.0 4.601300-1412510 16 20 15000000.0 4.603000-1 16000000.0 4.520400-1 17000000.0 4.450740-1412510 16 21 18000000.0 4.207860-1 19000000.0 3.720790-1 20000000.0 3.237210-1412510 16 22 21000000.0 2.723630-1 22000000.0 2.328870-1 23000000.0 2.067260-1412510 16 23 24000000.0 1.869740-1 25000000.0 1.722300-1 26000000.0 1.604680-1412510 16 24 27000000.0 1.507150-1 28000000.0 1.421910-1 29000000.0 1.353680-1412510 16 25 30000000.0 1.291160-1 30000000.0 0.00000000 200000000 0.00000000412510 16 26