sandy.sections.mf32 module
This module contains only two public functions:
Function read reads a MF32/MT section from a string and produces a content object with a dictionary-like structure. The content object can be accessed using most of the keywords specified in the ENDF6 manual for this specific MF section.
Function write_mf32 writes a content object for a MF32/MT section into a string. MAT, MF, MT and line numbers are also added (each line ends with a ` `).
- sandy.sections.mf32.read_mf32(tape, mat)
Write MT section for MF32
- Parameters:
- tapesandy.Endf6
endf6 object containing requested section
- matint
MAT number
- Returns:
- dict
Content of the ENDF-6 tape structured as nested dict.
Covariances of resonance parameters of the Curium 2245 LCOMP = 0 >>> tape = sandy.get_endf6_file(“jeff_33”, “xs”, 962450) >>> dic = sandy.read_mf32(tape, 9640) >>> print( dic[“NIS”][96245][‘NER’][(1e-05, 100.0)][“L”][0][‘COVAR_PAR’][0:2]) [{‘ER’: -0.1, ‘AJ’: 3.0, ‘GT’: 0.230946, ‘GN’: 4.61e-05, ‘GG’: 0.0359, ‘GF’: 0.195,
‘DE²’: 1e-08, ‘DN²’: 2.12521e-11, ‘DNDG’: 0.0, ‘DG²’: 5.15524e-05, ‘DNDF’: 0.0, ‘DGDF’: 0.0, ‘DF²’: 0.00038025, ‘DJDN’: 0.0, ‘DJDG’: 0.0, ‘DJDF’: 0.0, ‘DJ²’: 0.0},
- {‘ER’: 0.85, ‘AJ’: 4.0, ‘GT’: 0.84409, ‘GN’: 9e-05, ‘GG’: 0.044, ‘GF’: 0.8,
‘DE²’: 0.0009, ‘DN²’: 6.30623e-11, ‘DNDG’: 0.0, ‘DG²’: 7.744e-05, ‘DNDF’: 0.0, ‘DGDF’: 0.0, ‘DF²’: 0.0025, ‘DJDN’: 0.0, ‘DJDG’: 0.0, ‘DJDF’: 0.0, ‘DJ²’: 0.0}]
Covariances of resonance parameters of the Americium 241 LCOMP = 1 LRF = 2 >>> tape = sandy.get_endf6_file(“jeff_33”, “xs”, 952410) >>> dic = sandy.read_mf32(tape, 9543) >>> print(dic[“NIS”][95241][‘NER’][(1e-05, 150.0)][“COVAR_PAR”][0][10:50]) [ 2.494710e-10 7.847580e-11 -9.012000e-10 -9.512310e-12 -2.029530e-10
1.497910e-11 7.083150e-09 -1.567680e-11 1.527096e-09 7.121410e-11 6.664252e-09 -1.968360e-11 -2.291857e-09 3.975690e-11 9.398297e-09
-2.101620e-11 -4.383682e-09 -6.580010e-11 1.123283e-08 -2.688670e-11 -2.484173e-09 -3.560260e-11 -3.078174e-08 -6.652760e-11 -1.722510e-08
5.561780e-11 -4.403603e-08 -3.319870e-11 -1.722510e-08 1.024590e-10 4.308922e-09 4.159470e-10 -1.722510e-08 -1.178230e-10 -8.631673e-08
-1.642100e-11 -1.722510e-08 7.081580e-11 -9.513253e-08 -3.665940e-12]
Covariances of resonance parameters of the Caesium 137 LCOMP = 2 LRF = 2 >>> tape = sandy.get_endf6_file(“jeff_33”, “xs”, 551370) >>> dic = sandy.read_mf32(tape, 5537) >>> dic[‘NIS’][55137][“NER”][(1e-05, 56666.38)][‘RES_PAR’][20::30] [{‘ER’: -1342.1, ‘AJ’: 4.0, ‘GT’: 10.75884, ‘GN’: 10.09489, ‘GG’: 0.66395, ‘GF’: 0.0,
‘DER’: 0.0005, ‘DGN’: 0.5, ‘DGG’: 0.1, ‘DGF’: 0.0},
- {‘ER’: 20098.0, ‘AJ’: 4.0, ‘GT’: 36.19939, ‘GN’: 36.163, ‘GG’: 0.036395, ‘GF’: 0.0,
‘DER’: 10.049, ‘DGN’: 0.00036163, ‘DGG’: 3.6395e-07, ‘DGF’: 0.0},
- {‘ER’: 36830.02, ‘AJ’: 4.0, ‘GT’: 3.388613, ‘GN’: 3.298613, ‘GG’: 0.09000001, ‘GF’: 0.0,
‘DER’: 36.83, ‘DGN’: 0.0659723, ‘DGG’: 0.0018, ‘DGF’: 0.0},
- {‘ER’: 51650.52, ‘AJ’: 3.0, ‘GT’: 17.43718, ‘GN’: 17.34718, ‘GG’: 0.09000001, ‘GF’: 0.0,
‘DER’: 51.6505, ‘DGN’: 0.346944, ‘DGG’: 0.0018, ‘DGF’: 0.0}]
Covariances of resonance parameters of the Caesium 137 LCOMP = 2 LRF = 3 >>> tape = sandy.get_endf6_file(“jeff_33”, “xs”, 902320) >>> dic = sandy.read_mf32(tape, 9040) >>> dic[‘NIS’][90232][“NER”][(1e-05, 4000.0)][“INTG”][350] {‘II’: 795,
‘JJ’: 793, ‘KIJ’: array([44, 69, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])}