sandy.sections.mf9 module

This module contains only two public functions:
  • read_mf9

  • write_mf9

Function read reads a MF9/MT section from a string and produces a content object with a dictionary-like structure. The content object can be accessed using most of the keywords specified in the ENDF6 manual for this specific MF section. Function write_mf9 writes a content object for a MF9/MT section into a string. MAT, MF, MT and line numbers are also added (each line ends with a ` `).

sandy.sections.mf9.read_mf9(tape, mat, mt)

Parse MAT/MF=9/MT section from sandy.Endf6 object and return structured content in nested dcitionaries. Parameters ———- tape : sandy.Endf6

endf6 object containing requested section


MAT number


MT number


out: dict

Content of the ENDF-6 tape structured as nested dict.


Endf-6 tape structured ‘dict’ of Radiactive capture of Am-241 from the ENDFB-VII.1 library to obtain the multiplicities for production of radioactive nuclides >>> tape = sandy.get_endf6_file(“endfb_71”, ‘xs’, 952410) >>> read_mf9(tape, 9543, 102) {‘MAT’: 9543,

‘MF’: 9, ‘MT’: 102, ‘ZA’: 95241.0, ‘AWR’: 238.986, ‘LIS’: 0, ‘LFS’: {0: {‘QM’: 5539101.0,

‘QI’: 5539101.0, ‘IZAP’: 95242, ‘NBT’: [9], ‘INT’: [3], ‘E’: array([1.000000e-05, 3.690000e-01, 1.000000e+03, 1.000000e+05,

6.000001e+05, 1.000000e+06, 2.000000e+06, 4.000001e+06, 3.000000e+07]),

‘Y’: array([0.9 , 0.9 , 0.8667 , 0.842 , 0.81533, 0.74382, 0.5703 ,

0.52 , 0.52 ])},

2: {‘QM’: 5539101.0,

‘QI’: 5490471.0, ‘IZAP’: 95242, ‘NBT’: [9], ‘INT’: [3], ‘E’: array([1.000000e-05, 3.690000e-01, 1.000000e+03, 1.000000e+05,

6.000001e+05, 1.000000e+06, 2.000000e+06, 4.000001e+06, 3.000000e+07]),

‘Y’: array([0.1 , 0.1 , 0.1333 , 0.158 , 0.18467, 0.25618, 0.4297 ,

0.48 , 0.48 ])}}}


Given the content of a MF9 section as nested dictionaries, write it to string. Parameters ———- sec : ‘dic’

Content of the ENDF-6 tape structured as nested dict.


Multiline string reproducing the content of a ENDF-6 section.


The end-of-line records MAT, MF, MT and line number are added at the end of each line.


The string does not endf with a newline symbol `


String reproducing the content of a ENDF-6 section for Radiactive capture of Am-241 from the ENDFB-VII.1 library to obtain the multiplicities for production of radioactive nuclides >>> tape = sandy.get_endf6_file(“endfb_71”, ‘xs’, 952410) >>> sec = read_mf9(tape, 9543, 102) >>> text = write_mf9(sec) >>> print(text)

95241.0000 238.986000 0 0 2 09543 9102 1 5539101.00 5539101.00 95242 0 1 99543 9102 2

9 3 9543 9102 3

1.000000-5 9.000000-1 3.690000-1 9.000000-1 1000.00000 8.667000-19543 9102 4 100000.000 8.420000-1 600000.100 8.153300-1 1000000.00 7.438200-19543 9102 5 2000000.00 5.703000-1 4000001.00 5.200000-1 30000000.0 5.200000-19543 9102 6 5539101.00 5490471.00 95242 2 1 99543 9102 7

9 3 9543 9102 8

1.000000-5 1.000000-1 3.690000-1 1.000000-1 1000.00000 1.333000-19543 9102 9 100000.000 1.580000-1 600000.100 1.846700-1 1000000.00 2.561800-19543 9102 10 2000000.00 4.297000-1 4000001.00 4.800000-1 30000000.0 4.800000-19543 9102 11