Some cool notebooks about sandy
ENDF-6 nuclear data file interface
Collect and process nuclear data files with NJOY
Apply perturbations
- Apply custom perturbations to a given cross section using the WIMS69 energy grid
- Apply a perturbation to a cross section over the entire energy domain
Work with covariance data
- Create a custom covariance matrix for cross sections
- Covariance matrix with reaction cross terms
- Create correlations between decay branching ratios based on conservation laws
Stochastic sampling
- LL^T decomposition of covariance matrix
- Reconstructing redundant cross section
- Build covariance matrix from xs reconstruction rules
- Apply covariance matrix to i.i.d. samples
- Sampling from lognormal multivariate distribution
- Normal vs lognormal sampling: the U-235 case
- How lognormal samples react to large uncertainties
- Negative eigenvalues: U-235 xs covariance matrix from ENDF/B-VIII.0
Consistency checks
- Perturbations to redundant cross section are consistently distributed to partial components
- Consistency between PENDF/ENDF-6(nubar) and perturbations: the U-235 case
- XS sampling: direct sampling procedure to produce random ENDF-6 / ACE files
- XS sampling: 2-step sampling procedure
- FY Sampling: create perturbed FY files (only variance, all energies)
- FY sampling: create perturbed FY files with ad-hoc covariance matrix (all energies)
- FY sampling: create perturbed FY files using CEA conservative evaluation for U-235 thermal fission
- FY sampling: create perturbed FY files using CEA conservative evaluation for Pu-239 thermal fission
- RDD sampling: create perturbed radioactive decay data files for JEFF-3.3
- PFNS sampling: create and test perturbed energy distributions for U235 using JEFF-3.3
Regression and analysis of variance
- Multiple linear regression for two correlated variables
- Multiple linear regression for two correlated variables standardized with SVD
- Multiple linear regression using SVD (least squares) for a real covariance matrix
- Multiple linear regression using SVD (least squares) for a fast system (Godiva)
- Multiple linear regression using SVD (least squares) for a thermal system (UAM single pin)
Analysis of nuclear data libraries
Resonance parameters
Cross section
Angular distributions
Energy distributions
Fission yields
- Interact with fission product yields
- Check differences in FYs between the JEFF-3.3 and JEFF-3.1.1 evaluations
- Plot England and Rider evaluated chain fission yields
- Retrieve cumulative fission yields for Cs, Sr and Nd from different libraries